You can only evolve the Rockruff you receive from the Mystery Gift event into Dusk Lycanroc, so you only have one shot to get this right per game. Then, let your Pokemon evolve between that time and you'll automatically receive a Dusk Lycanroc. It matters what time your 3DS clock is set to, so check and double-check before setting out to get Dusk Lycanroc. You don't need to do anything special for this, but make sure you level Rockruff up until the brink of 25 before playing your game between 5 PM and 5:59 PM your local time. You'll need to level up your Rockruff as usual, all the way until level 25. If not, go ahead and read the instructions in the first part of this guide. 10, 2018, so you've still got plenty of time to do it. To get one of your own, you'll need to have first obtained the Rockruff via the methods above. Rockruff's evolution to Dusk Lycanroc gives the Pokemon a striking new look.
Lycanroc dusk form pokemon sword series#
Next, you'll need to complete a series of events that will level your Rockruff up into the Dusk Lycanroc you've been waiting for. He'll gift you with your Rockruff, so long as you have an open space in your Pokemon inventory. You'll need to head to any Pokemon Center in-game, then speak to the delivery man inside. Once the Mystery Gift has been completed, that's not the end of this process. This must be done before January 10, or you'll miss out on Rockruff entirely! If you're connected to the internet, you should start a connection that will net you the Pokemon Rockruff. Check out the Mystery Gift option and head into it. Head to the main menu or turn the game off and on to get to it. Make sure you've done so and have in turn saved your game afterward. You'll need to have already chosen your starter Pokemon between Litten, Rowlet, and Popplio before you can do this. Once you have your copy of either Pokemon Ultra Sun or Moon, make sure you head into the main menu and access the Mystery Gift option.
Lycanroc dusk form pokemon sword how to#
We also have some other guides up like how to evolve Lickitung and how to get Sniper Sobble.You may already be familiar with the Mystery Gift feature in the Pokemon games, which let you redeem codes or receive Pokemon via events doing so much as pressing a couple of buttons. For more tips and tricks related to the new Isle of Armor expansion, just search Twinfinite. Hopefully that answers your question on how to evolve Rockruff into Dusk Form in Pokemon Sword & Shield. One other way to get your hands on a Dusk Form Lycanroc is by trying to defeat it in a Max Raid Battle but it is a rare, five-star Pokemon, so it may be hard to take it down. You see, there was a Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon event back in the day that gave players these special Rockruff’s but now that the event is long gone, you can only get it through breeding or trading.

You can find Rockruff in the Fields of Honor area right outside the train station at the Isle of Armor and while it is fairly easy to capture one, it will not have that special Own Tempo ability. As long as your Rockruff is level 25 or higher, it’ll evolve into the Dusk Form Lycanroc but it’s trickier than it sounds. For starters, only a Rockruff with the hidden ability “Own Tempo” can turn into a Dusk Lycanroc and it needs to be trained during dusk, which seems to fall around 7-8 PM local time in-game. Okay, so there are a couple of things that you need to know before you get yourself a Dusk Lycanroc. How to Evolve Rockruff Into Dusk Form in Pokemon Sword & Shield

Rockruff and Lycanroc are just a few of those Pokemon and if you’re trying to figure out just how to evolve Rockruff into Dusk Form in Pokemon Sword & Shield, we’re here to help you out. The Isle of Armor expansion is now out for Pokemon Sword and Shield and with it comes a new selection of Pokemon that were previously unobtainable in the Galar region.